Tucked away on a lush hillside overlooking 60 acres of coastline, Windjammer Landing Villa Beach Resort offers the epitome of Caribbean luxury. As a premium all-inclusive resort in St. Lucia, Windjammer Landing caters to an upscale, affluent clientele seeking unprecedented elegance and tranquility, where expectations for privacy and exceptional service are of the utmost importance.

Creative Goals

The team at Windjammer came to Cendyn looking to revamp their entire digital footprint, starting with their website. Along with updating the overall look and creating a more user-friendly navigation, Windjammer wanted to create a dynamic site experience that encourages guests to curate their ideal stay. With a wide variety activities and programs available, they wanted a website that could elicit excitement and guest engagement throughout the travel planning journey.

Fluid User Experience

With numerous revenue-generating segments across the property, it was important to create a user-friendly website experience that flows seamlessly while intuitively showcasing the all of the resort’s unique features and services to optimize conversion rates, increase RFPs for group events, and bring special attention to their Event Calendar and Offer pages. Content is king as they say, we agree but add that balance is poetic.

Our Results

Post-launch, we continue to monitor the Windjammer Landing website for overall health, ADA-compliance, and a number of other important indicators for success.

  • Since launching the newly designed website in 2022, we saw a transactional increase of over 409% - measured against the previous website.

  • The Windjammer Landing website has seen an explosion in conversions for the new website over 350%.

  • Overall, the new website is proud to report we were able to boost the Windjammer Landing website’s revenue by an impressive 463% since launch.


Arlington Convention Center


Premier Advisory Group